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New Beginners

We recommend that all brand new beginners are ages 3 - 7 years old.


ALL new beginners, ages 7 and under, begin their studies on a box or foam instrument (violins, violas, cellos only). There are many reasons for this:

1. Children must learn that their instrument is different from their regular toys – the foam/box is their instrument for the time being.
2. Foam/box instruments help children learn to focus as we spend time in the first  lessons counting, singing and
standing/sitting still with the foam instrument.

3. Foam/box instruments help children learn how to take a bow.
4. Foam/box instruments help children learn to move from rest position to play position.
5. Foam/box instruments help children learn how to walk, sit and stand with their instrument without dropping them.
6. Fake bows allow the students to learn the skill of what a good bow hold is without worrying about the

complexities of the hair and rosin.


The development of these skills allow for an easier transition onto the real instrument. This process teaches delayed gratification, patience and persistence - just a few character traits we hope to help children and parents develop in these beginning stages. We respect that every child will move through the Pre-Twinkle phase with their box instrument/bow at their own pace. We ask that parents allow the student to learn these skills in their own time; be aware that this time in the Pre-Twinkle phase is important for establishing fundamental posture and can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. As Dr. Suzuki said, “Never hurry, never rest.”

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