Teacher Training Course Registration
The Suzuki Academy of Columbia is excited to offer Suzuki Cello Unit 1 Teacher Training this fall with Dr. Beth Cantrell! This is a 28 hour course with 15 hours of observation. The course will be given in a hybrid format with two weekends in person and Monday evenings online.
Saturday, September 4 (in person)
Sunday, Sunday 5 (in person)
Mondays, September 13, 20, 27 (online)
Friday, Octob`er 1 (in person)
Saturday, October 2 (in person)
Sunday, October 3 (in person)
Please note that there are 3 prerequisites for this course:
Membership in the Suzuki Association of the Americas is required. You may join the SAA here.
Completion of the "Every Child Can" Course offered through the SAA. To find upcoming ECC courses, click here.
Submit your teacher training video audition.
To register for the course, please fill out the registration form found here and email it to Sarah Evanovich (sarahevanovich@suzukiacademycolumbia.org). Then submit payment either by check or PayPal.
For Check Payment - make payable to "Suzuki Academy of Columbia" and mail to P.O. Box 564, Columbia, SC 29202.
For PayPal Payment - click on the button below. Please note that online payment will be subject to a 2.3% fee (called a tax in PayPal)
If you would like to learn more about becoming a Suzuki teacher please click here to visit the SAA website.
Questions about the course? Email Sarah Evanovich (sarahevanovich@suzukiacademycolumbia.org)